Web Blog Entry, Winter 2012
Keep up-to-date on the latest Canadian British-Israel news with our British-Israel web blog updates!
Canadian British-Israel Association
500 Tecumseh Road E., Box 28047, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N8X 5E4
Membersite: www.israelite.ca -- Email: info@ israelite.ca
British-Israel Basics: www.british-israel.com
Booksite: www.migrations.info
Toll-free Phone 800-919-8819
Autumn, 2012
We are well into the autumn season with leaves to rake and preparing the gardens for the winter.
Sales have been a little slower recently due to the economy. Hopefully we will see a pickup for Christmas gifts.
Our vice-president, Pastor Jory Brooks, (at left with BIWF President, Michael Clark) has recently returned from a second three-week lecture-study trip to the United Kingdom, where he spoke at the Orange Street Congregational Church in London, a number of local branches of the British-Israel Bible Truth Fellowship across southern England, as well as their annual autumn convention in London, and the annual B.I.W.F. Congress held this year in Brampton, Cumbria. He also was able to spend time at the famed British Library in London doing research to help substantiate our teachings. We hope to utilize the research for future books.
We continue to send out our quarterly newsletter and the Covenant Nations magazine provided by the BIWF-UK The monthly Thy Kingdom Come magazine is being sent out by the Association of the Covenant People on our behalf. We are still accepting donations if you have not yet responded.
Expenses continue to climb, and in order to continue our current activities without cutbacks, we need to hear from those who have not contributed during the past year. We hope to publish future books and undertake other projects to increase our witness if we have the financial support of our members and friends. We cannot accomplish all of this without your help. Thank you in advance!
CONVENTION NEWS: The annual conventions of the CBIA and BIWF-Canada was held on Saturday and Sunday, September 15 and 16, 2012 . The speakers were Brooks Alden of the Association of the Covenant People in Vancouver, Kent Purvis, president of the BIWF-Canada, and Pastor J.S. Brooks of CBIA. Audio copies of the lectures are posted on our main website at: http://www.israelite.ca/otherhelps/audio.html. Video copies of the lectures are in the process of being prepared and will be posted by late November on our main website as well at: http://www.israelite.ca/pictorial/video.html
At left, Mary Bennett at the Toronto convention.
Mary F. Bennett, President