Author and Pastor Dr. Stephen E. Jones
A prolific writer, Dr. Jones has authored dozens of books and articles
on a number of Biblical and historical subjects. We are pleased to offer
some of the best of these, with a brief description of some of them below.
Visit our web bookshop at for these and many other good books for your growth in Christian knowledge and reading pleasure.

by Dr. Stephen E. Jones. The types and shadows of the law of God help
explain the events surrounding the Second Coming of Christ. Original
cover artwork, softcover 8x11, 194 pages.
This is probably the most unique book ever written about the second coming of Christ. It begins with the premise that Israel's feast days established by Moses are the foundation of all Bible prophecy. When Jesus walked the road to Emmaus after His resurrection, He explained to the disciples about His death and resurrection -- beginning with Moses (Luke 24:27). The Feast of Passover prophesied of Christ's first work on the Cross. The Wavesheaf offering prophesied of His resurrection and presentation in the Temple in heaven. The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) prophesied of the coming of the Spirit in Acts 2. The autumn feast days prophesy of the second coming of Christ and the events surrounding it. These festivals given under Moses clarify the purpose, meaning, and even (to some extent) the timing of the second coming. This book explains the types and shadows in the law and the prophets before correlating these things to the New Testament teaching about Christ's second coming. In doing this, the author reveals insights probably never seen by previous authors, and he often comes to some very different conclusions than Bible teachers have proposed up until now. The marvelous insights packed into every page could very well make it the most important book ever written on the second coming of Christ.
Chapter titles include:
. Israel's Prophetic Spring Feasts
2. The Feast of Trumpets
3. The Day of Atonement and Jubilee
4. Jacob's Feast Day Pattern
5. The Feast Days in the Book of Joel
6. The Feast Days in Elijah's Story
7. The Feast of Tabernacles
8. Presenting the Firstborn
9. God's Face is God's Presence
10. The Two Works of Christ
11. Christ Comes of Judah and Joseph
12. The Sign of Jonah
13. The Real Rapture
14. The Law of the Manchild
Appendix: Acta Pilata: Pilate's Report to Tiberius Caesar concerning
by Dr. Stephen E. Jones
A Study On The Ninth Commandment
Size 5 x 8 inches, 46 pages staplebound
The Ninth Commandment says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." (Exodus 20:16) The Ninth Commandment is a summarized statement, a brief heading under which we find a number of laws governing court procedure. More specifically, this commandment regulates such things as slander, perjury, lying, double witnesses needed to convict anyone of sin, and the principles of justice and mercy in general. Knowing these laws are critical in order to discern correctly and render righteous judgment, both in the Divine court and in our personal lives.
Chapter titles include: Slander, stumblingblocks, perjury, the law of the double witness, the Supreme Court of God, equal weights and measures, the woman caught in adultery, the Benjamite war, God's Sovereignty vrs. man's authority, the saints shall judge the world, discerning true justice, and God's method of subduing the earth.
by Dr. Stephen E. Jones. The Bible's teaching on God's
ultimate grace toward mankind. New Edition 2000 with original color artwork
cover. Large 8 x 11 inch size, 153 pages.
This book tackles Biblical concepts such as the Millennium, the Lake of Fire, Predestination and Election. An interesting chapter explains the effects of Adam's sin on man's nature. The Sovereignty of God is explored, in conjuction with the Restoration of all things, which is God's overall purpose in history. It also gives little-known Church history showing how these vital teachings were lost in the fifth century. This study also explains the three resurrections of barley, wheat, and grape companies in a general overview. Beautiful full-color original art on cover.
by Dr. Stephen E. Jones and Micheal T. Wark
116 pages; size 5.375 by 8.5 inches.
The Sovereignty and Justice of God is explored in the context of His Plan and Purpose for the world. A logical and Scriptural explanation is given to the age-old question of how to reconcile God's Sovereignty and human free will. The resurrection from the dead and the Second Death are reviewed, as well as the meaning and purpose of the High Calling and the Lake of Fire. An interesting look at the teaching of Scripture of the ages, or eons, completes the study. This is a book that will answer many questions.
Chapter titles include:
1. How Sovereign is God? (Including the meaning of "sin")
2. How Just is God? (Imputation, Infusion, Justification, and Reconciliation
3. The Resurrections and the Second Death
4. After the Way Which They Call Heresy (Acts 24:14)
5. The Doctrine of the Eons (A discussion of the word, "everlasting" and
its Greek equivalent, "aion")
6. The Early Church on the Eons (Views of the Apostolic Fathers of the
Early Church)