CBIA - The Servant People
Annual British-Israel Canadian Conventions Pictorial Slideshow
Here are included some rare old photographs since our founding
The Canadian British-Israel Association was founded in 1956, and has enjoyed an annual convention each year since that time. These conventions have given the members an opportunity to meet one another, listen to prepared lectures on Biblical and historical subjects, enjoy good food and companionship, and immerse themselves in Christian worship, learning, and fellowship. Our conventions are always open to everyone regardless of race or religion, and when attending you will find a positive, helpful emphasis on inspiration and encouragement from the Word of God. In fact, a number of people in our association find it so refreshing that they never miss it and have made a point to attend every year for decades.
Our first convention was held in Winnipeg in 1956, and a few treasured old photos of that gathering appear in the slideshow above. You will also enjoy the slideshow of important past British-Israel events on our history page as well!
We have included as a first photograph a rare old view of a few of the attendees of the first North American Anglo-Israel convention, which was held at the Nazarene Tabernacle, Detroit, Michigan, on May 6, 7, and 8, 1930. The first row of notables includes (reading from left to right) the Rev. Joseph Gay, Rev. Dr. Jerrett (host pastor of convention), Rev. Mark Levy (a Messianic Jew), Dr. John M. Stephens (Chairman of the convention), Chancellor Du Bois, Rev. Dr. Pascoe Goard, Dr. Howard B. Rand; behind Dr. Stephens is the Rev. Dr. Domina, and behind Dr. Rand is the Rev. Speedie. Dr. Goard reported, "One of the remarkable things about the Convention was the number of clergy and ministers of the various denominations. These were splendid men. They were scholarly, devoted and courageous in recognizing and accepting truth wherever it is to be found." (The National Message, 7-19-1930, p.464) How in need are we of men and women such as this is the lands of Christendom today!
Through the years, conventions have been held in all but five Canadian provinces (Northwest Territories, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec and Newfoundland). Some of our favorite convention cities have been Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria, Vernon and Kelowna (B.C.), Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Windsor, Ottawa, and many other cities over more than half a century of our existence. In addition to worship, fellowship, (and of course, sampling great food!), it has been customary to plan a social outing to an historic or tourist spot.
On this page above we present a selection of photographs taken through the years, giving a sense of the atmosphere and some of the participants at our conventions. See the "upcoming events" page under "About Us" for the next convention schedule. We hope to see you there!