A Selection of British-Israel Pictorial Memories From Our Past History!
The Canadian British-Israel Association was founded in 1956 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Headquarters was based in Vancouver, British Columbia from 1956 until 1973, when it was moved to Windsor, Ontario after W.H. Bennett was elected president. Our headquarters have remained in Windsor since that time. In the year 2000 we added "The Servant People" to our name in recognition of God's calling to His followers to be a "blessing to all families of the earth" (Gen. 12:2-3). As an organization, we are dedicated to fulfilling that great Abrahamic commission through our teaching, books, tracts, and other resources. Many people tell us that we have been a blessing to them, and we trust that through our work you will allow us to be a blessing to you!
After many years of research by W.H. Bennett, the first of our full-length books was published in 1976, "Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage." This wonderful book is now well into its third printing, and we have received many sincere and encouraging complements about the information it contains. After many years of distribution, there is still no better book on the subject of European heraldry and its relationship to the tribes of Israel. Our second full-length book was published in 2003, "The Story of Celto-Saxon Israel," which complements the first book in explaining the evidence for the migration of Israel's tribes and the fulfillment of numerous prophecies of Scripture. These books by W.H. Bennett are available from our booksite at www.migrations.info. See the "Books We Publish" button at the top left side of the homepage.
CBIA-The Servant People has also republished British author Francis Henking's classic work, "The Tender Twig," written in 1963, an inspiring novel retelling the story of the Prophet Jeremiah's journey to Tahpahnes, Egypt, and thence to Spain and Britain, according to legend. This book is nearing the end of its current print run, whereupon it will be reprinted by the B.I.W.F. organization in Great Britain. If you have not yet read it, we urge you to order your copy now while our supplies last.
Now join with us on an automated slide-show tour above of some of the people and places we have encountered in our journey as an organization since 1956. Do also see our Convention page slideshow as well. Some of our longer-time members will recognize the many friends they have made through the years. Enjoy!