Tracts by W.H. Bennett
Our late president, Mr. Bennett, authored two books and dozens of tracts during a lifetime of Christian service. The following tracts are small three by five inch tri-fold, which fit conveniently in a shirt pocket or purse for personal evangelism. Copies of the following titles are available for the cost of packaging and postage. You may order either single copies or a package of one hundred. We ask for a minimum donation of two dollars per package of a hundred, or up to six tracts for a first-class stamp. We hope that you will avail yourself of the opportunity to keep a few in a pocket or purse to distribute to interested people you meet. Help us to reach others with the British-Israel message. Thank you!
Order Number and Title of Tract:
8-1-B | A False & Evil Doctrine |
2-1-C | A Lesson We Must Learn |
8-3-A | Abandon That Guilt Complex |
4-1 | Africa in the Light of Daniel |
5-3 | An Unsharing Responsibility |
2-3-D | And Still We Disobey |
5-1 | Are the Jews the Chosen Race |
5-4-A | As the Days of Noah Were |
2-2-B | Author & Finisher of our Faith |
7-1-A | Behold Your King! |
3-3-C | Beware Sociology |
2-1-A | Britain's Moral & Spiritual Equipment |
4-4-B | British- Israel Truth |
4-3-Z | British Israel What Is It? |
7-2-B | Brotherhood Without Christ |
3-4 | Christ or the Kremlin? |
1-3-C | Christianity & Israel |
5-2 | Coming Resurrection of the Dea |
7-3-B | Coronation Ceremony |
7-3-A | Coronation Stone |
1-4 | Cosmic Purpose in Human Affair |
8-2-A | Crisis of the Ages Approaches |
7-3-C | Crown of St. Edward |
3-3-B | Curious Christians Wanted |
4-3-A | Declaring the Decree |
2-3-A | Descent of Their Magesties |
2-2-F | Did God Cast Off His People |
7-2-A | Does God Make Mistakes |
4-3-H | Easter 1996 & the 50 days following |
1-3-A | Eight Witnesses |
6-4-B | Faith for these Ominous Days |
7-4 | Fear Not for Behold a Saviour |
2-3-C | First Resurrection |
2-1-B | Folly of Wishful Thinking |
3-1 | Four Reasons Why Canada Needs |
4-2 | God's Truth Concerning the British Race |
8-4-C | How Israel Came to Britain |
1-2-A | How Much More Trouble |
2-2-D | In & Through a Chosen Race |
6-4-A | Introduction to the British Is |
6-2 | Is the Church a Substitute for Israel? |
2-4-A | Let Us Celebrate |
1-1 | Life, Death & Life Again |
8-4-A | Limiting God's Help |
5-4-B | Lost Sheep of the House of Israel |
3-3-A | Message of the Kingdom of Heaven |
4-3-B | Migrations |
2-4-B | My Word |
2-3-E | Mystery of the Kingdom of God |
2-2-E | Nature of the Coming Struggle |
3-2-B | Our Ancient Throne |
6-3 | Our Movement & its Mission |
8-4-B | Present Day Evidences |
8-1-A | Prophetic Significance of the |
1-2-B | Righteous Intolerance |
2-2-C | Scottish Declaration of Indepence |
4-3-E | Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God |
2-5-B | Series: Celto-Saxon-Israel short tracts |
6-1-A | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 01 |
6-1-B | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 03 |
6-1-C | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 04 |
6-1-D | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 05 |
1-5-A | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 06 |
1-5-B | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 07 |
1-5-C | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 08 |
1-5-D | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 09 |
5-5-A | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 10 |
5-5-B | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 11 |
5-5-C | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 12 |
5-5-D | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 13 |
6-5-A | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 14 |
6-5-B | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 15 |
6-5-C | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 16 |
6-5-D | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 17 |
6-5-E | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 18 |
7-5-A | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 19 |
7-5-B | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 19A |
7-5-C | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 20 |
7-5-D | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 21 |
8-5-A | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 22 |
8-5-B | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 23 |
8-5-C | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 24 |
8-5-D | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 25 |
T-2-A | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 26 |
T-2-B | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 27 |
T-2-C | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 28 |
T-2-D | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 29 |
T-2-E | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 30 |
T-1-A | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 31 |
T-1-B | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 32 |
T-1-C | Story of Celto-Saxon Israel 33 |
2-2-A | The Battle for the Inch |
2-3-B | The First Christmas & the 2nd Coming |
9-5 | The Hovering Kingdom |
4-3-F | The Israel Truth |
4-4-E | The Marks of Israel |
4-4-A | The Only Alternative |
8-3-B | The Only Solution |
3-2-A | The Queen Betrayed |
2-5-A | The Servant Nation |
4-4-D | The Significance of Present Events |
4-5 | The Word of Truth |
1-3-B | This is British Israel Truth |
4-3-J | Throne of the Lord in Israel |
2-4-C | Wake Up of Perish |
2-2-G | What are They Afraid Of |
4-3-G | What Are We To Do |
4-4-C | Why This Plot Against the Throne |