Web Blog Entry, Winter 2012
Keep up-to-date on the latest Canadian British-Israel news with our British-Israel web blog updates!
Canadian British-Israel Association
500 Tecumseh Road E., Box 28047, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N8X 5E4
Membersite: www.israelite.ca -- Email: info@ israelite.ca
British-Israel Basics: www.british-israel.com
Booksite: www.migrations.info
Toll-free Phone 800-919-8819
Winter, 2012
Best wishes for the new year! As we are starting the year out ther is much uneasiness about the economy and world affairs. We do have the hope and knowledge that God is in control of all things, even though we may be faced with some difficult times ahead.
Since the first of the year sales have steadily picked up. There seems to be increasing interest in The Story of Celto-Saxon Israel, which we published. Sales have included several from overseas, including Sweden and Israel.
We are happy to congratulate Pastor Brooks on the 80th anniversary of his church this March 11, 2013. Founded during the depths of the Great Depression with encouragement from Dr. Howard B. Rand, they are the oldest Anglo-Israel church congregation in North America. We are also happy to report that we have heard from several people recently who are working to get our message out in other parts of the U.S.
We would like to remind those who we have not heard from that it is time to renew your membership for 2013. Basic membership is still only $3.00 (U.S. or Canadian) in order to receive our quarterly newsletter. Full membership remains only $20.00 to receive Thy Kingdom Come magazine from Vancouver, and Covenant Nations magazine from the U.K., in addition to the newsletter.
Expenses continue to climb, and in order to continue our current activities without cutbacks, we need to hear from those who have not contributed during the past year. We hope to publish future books and undertake other projects to increase our witness if we have the financial support of our members and friends. We cannot accomplish all of this without your help. Thank you in advance!
Mary F. Bennett, President