4 B.C. or 2 B.C.? The Historical Evidence!
The Year
Christ's Birth
by W. E. Filmer
Reprinted from the National Message Magazine
many years every discussion of the date of Christ’s birth has taken into
consideration the belief that Herod the Great died in 4 B.C., so that
Christ must have been born at least that early. This
date is supposed to be absolutely fixed by a lunar eclipse that took
place on the night of 12/13 March in that year. Another
eclipse of the moon, however, which met all the required circumstances,
occurred on January
It is
not generally realized that most of the Christian writers before A.D.
500 believed that Christ was born in 2 B.C. Superficially
they appear to be in hopeless disagreement, but when their statements
are examined more carefully, it will be found that the discrepancies
depend entirely on how each writer reckoned the regnal years of the Roman
emperor Augustus.
Tertullian is representative of an early group of writers who place the birth of Christ in the forty-first year of Augustus. In his Answer to the Jews, written about A.D. 198, he made a number of statements which leave no doubt as to what he meant by the forty-first year of Augustus. He says,
‘Cleopatra reigned jointly with Augustus... 13 years
After Cleopatra’s death Augustus reigned... 43 years
for all the years of the reign of Augustus were... 56 years.’
The relevant
dates for the reign of Augustus are known from Roman history with absolute
certainty. Julius Caesar, assassinated
on 14 March, 44 B.C., had nominated Octavius, later called Augustus,
as his adopted son and successor. Octavius,
however, did not immediately come to power, for
the birth of Christ, Tertullian says, ‘When Augustus had been reigning
for twenty-eight years after the death of Cleopatra, Christ was born.,
and the same Augustus survived after Christ was born fifteen years; and
the remaining times of years to the day of the birth of Christ bring
us to the forty-first year, which is the 28th of Augustus after the death
of Cleopatra.’ Now
Other Christian writers who lived about the same time give the same date. Irenaeus, about A.D. 180, wrote ‘Our Lord was born about the forty-first year of the reign of Augustus.’ Origen, early in the following century, said that Christ was born in the forty-first year of Caesar Augustus, that Augustus reigned fifty-six years, and that after the birth of Christ there remained fifteen years of his reign. His figures are evidently the same as those of Tertullian, and lead to the same result, namely that Christ was born about August, 2 B.C.
Clement of Alexandria said that ‘Our
Lord was born in the twenty-eighth year, when the first census was ordered
to be taken in the reign of Augustus.’ Clement,
since he lived in
Julius Africanus, in the first half of
the third century, published his Chronographies, in which he said that
the number of years from the creation of Adam to the birth of the Saviour
was 5500. Whatever may be thought
of the earlier part of this work, the latter part, from the time of Cyrus
onwards, can be correlated with the Greek calendar, so that the year
5500 from Adam corresponded with
the 2nd year of the 194th Olympiad. Since
Greek years began on 1 July, the Olympiad year 194,2 was the year that
ended 30th June, 2 B.C. But since
Africanus was writing in
Hippolytus of Rome, another chronologist of the same period, gave a similar result, but in his scheme Adam was created two years earlier, so he says Christ was born 5502 years from Adam.
Eusebius, one of the greatest authorities on church history and chronology, was the first to place the birth of Christ in the forty-second year of Augustus. However, in this context he said that Augustus reigned fifty-seven years, not fifty-six, which shows that he placed his accession one year earlier. This is confirmed by the fact that he still placed the birth of Christ twenty-eight years after the death of Cleopatra. Thus he says, ‘It was, then, in the 42nd year of the reign of Augustus, and the 28th year after the submission of Egypt and the death of Antony and Cleopatra . . . when our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ . . . was born.’ Thus the date is once more the same as that given by Tertullian.
In his Chronicle, Eusebius gives Augustus a reign of fifty-six years and six months, thus placing his accession about February, 43 B.C. It was about that time that the young Octavius had first been given a measure of authority by the Roman Senate. The Chronicle places the birth of Christ in the 42nd year of Augustus, and this is equated with the third year of the 194th Olympiad; that is, the year beginning in July, 2 B.C.
Epiphanius, a few decades later than Eusebius, agreed with him that Augustus reigned fifty-six years and six months, and so he says that Christ was born in the 42nd year which would have begun about February, 2 B.C. To clinch matters, he elsewhere dates the Epiphany of Christ in official Roman terms, saying that it was in January of the year in which the consuls were Octavius for the thirteenth time, and Silvanus; this was January 2 B.C. By Epiphany he probably meant conception at the time of the Annunciation by the angel to Mary, which is nine months before the actual birth.
Apollinarius of Laodicea, a contemporary of Epiphanius, said that from the birth of Christ to the eighth year of Claudius Caesar was forty-nine years. Claudius became emperor on 25 January, A.D. 41, so that his eighth year began in January, 48. It follows that, according to Apollinarius, Christ was born in the year beginning January, 2 B.C.
Finally we come to Orosius who compiled a popular history of the world down to the year A.D. 417. He placed the birth of Christ towards the end of the 42nd year of Augustus (VII,2), and elsewhere expressed this date in the conventional terms of Roman times, namely 752 years from the founding of the city of Rome. The year 752 A.U.C. (ab urbe condita) is equivalent to 2 B.C.
there were, before the year 500, no less than ten Christian witnesses
who agreed on the year in which Christ was born. Now
it might be argued that by no means all these writers can be considered
as reliable chronologists; in fact, they disagree widely on other important
dates such as that of the Crucifixion. But that only makes their agreement on the
birth of Christ the more remarkable, in fact so much so that it demands
an explanation. Since they express
the date in a variety of different terms, such as regnal years, or A.U.C.,
it does not look as if they were copying from one another. It
suggests that there must have been a common source available to all of
them, and this may well have been the record of the census filed in the
archives of
can be little doubt that this documentary evidence was actually available
for inspection in the second century, for Justin Martyr, in presenting
his First
Apology to the Jews, said that according to
This documentary evidence appears to have been well known to Orosius early in the fifth century. He said that ‘It was also in this year (752 A.U.C.) when God had deigned to assume the appearance and nature of man, that this same Caesar . . . for the first time ordered a census to be taken of each and every province, and that all men should be enrolled. In these days, then, Christ was born and His name was entered in the Roman census list immediately after His birth. This is that earliest and most famous acknowledgment, which designated Caesar first of all men, and Romans lords of the world; for in the census list all men were entered individually, and in it the Maker of all men wished to be found and enrolled as a man among men.’ VI, 32).
description of the census as ‘this earliest and most famous’ record of
the Incarnation, suggests that its existence in the archives of
Anno Domini
year of the Lord, or Annus Domini, was first used for dating
historical events by the Venerable Bede in his Ecclesiastical History of Britain, completed
in the year 731. This custom was
soon carried to
In the original table covering 95 years (or five Metonis cycles of 19 years), Dionysius had numbered the years from 532 to 626 for the first time ‘from the Incarnation.’ Previously other Easter tables had been in use; one, that of Victorius drawn up in Rome, numbered the years from the Passion, or Crucifixion of Christ, erroneously assumed to have been in A.D. 28. Another, compiled by Cyril of Alexandria, numbered the years from the accession of the emperor Diocletian. Dionysius, although otherwise following the Alexandrian rule for finding Easter, and beginning from where the Alexandrian table ended, was unwilling to perpetuate the name of Diocletian, the great persecutor of Christians, so he numbered the years in his new tables ‘from the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.’
Unfortunately Dionysius left no explanation of how, or on what grounds, he had determined the date of the Incarnation. In whatever manner Dionysius arrived at the date of the Incarnation, he must have made an error by making assumptions for which no support can be found in historical records. The starting date of the commonly used Christian era appears, therefore, to have been founded on nothing better than tradition, superstition, or error, and it has long since been rejected by all responsible historians.
Reprinted from the National
Message Magazine
The considerable evidence presented on
this subject was painstakingly researched by the late W.E. Filmer
over many years. Other scholars, as well, have reached a similar
conclusion, and the reader may further investigate the writings of
the late Dr. Adam Rutherford, Dr. E. Raymond Capt, and Pastor Stephen
E. Jones. The fall, 2 B.C., date for the birth of Christ, plus 33-1/2
years for his lifetime, gives us Spring Passover, 33 A.D., as the
year of the Crucifixion. (When calculating total time, subtract
one year from the sum of the A.D. and B.C. dates, as there is no
year zero in calendar dating.) This ties in with the Old Testament
prophecy of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, an exact 490 year period (70
times 7 years) which ran from Spring, 458 B.C. to Spring 33 A.D.
These facts provide proof that Christ did indeed embody the Old Testament
prophecies of a coming Messiah, even down to the exact year of fulfillment.
(See our separate tract, “The
Seventy Weeks Prophecy,” which provides additional Scriptural
evidence concerning Christ.)